Tofu Fries

Tofu Fries

Nothing is easier and nothing is more satisfying!

Cut the amount of firm tofu desired in the shape that you want (I imitated fries).

Wait for your pan to get really hot.

When you throw a splash of water in the pan, it should not evaporate right away. Several small droplets should form and float around in the pan and gather around until they have formed a big water droplet containing all the droplets. This is how you know that your pan is now non-stick, even if you do not own a non-stick pan.

Cook the tofu on medium-high* on each side until it gets crispy on the outside. It will stay soft on the inside. Careful, you quickly become addicted to these fries :)!

They are good as is, but I love dipping them in a mix of peanut butter, soy sauce and hot sauce, or simply topping a salad with them.


*The pan will get hot even though you have not set your burner to the highest setting. It might take a little longer to get to the heat you wish to get to, but it will be gentler on your pan. This way, the tofu will adhere less to the pan, as the pan will stop getting hotter once it has reached the desired temperature. Setting your burner on high heat would eventually cause the tofu to either burn or stick to the pan.


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