
Who is Marie-Chose?

I am an ESL teacher, passionate about nutrition, the environment, wellness… and cats :).


I just graduated from the “Plant Based Nutrition Certificate” given online by Cornell University. This latter reflects my rigorous study of the evidence emphasizing the health benefits of a whole food, plant-based diet.

I wish to use my teaching skills in order to help you make sense of the complicated theory behind concepts related to nutrition.

I want to debunk myths and be by your side throughout your journey by writing meaningful articles on subjects that are dear to me. I strongly believe that everyone has the right to know the effect that what they are eating has on their body. I am convinced that education is the key to making better choices if we wish to do so.


For the last 5 years, my husband and I have been doing or best to live a zero-waste lifestyle. What I love about this movement is that it helps us realize that every little thing counts. Even if it is hard to picture, each and everyone of us can play a gigantic role in changing things, simply by taking responsibility for our actions. If everyone became an imperfect zero-waster, the world would be a much better place :).


Whether it be through minimalism, meditation or relaxation techniques, I have developed several ways to feel better about myself throughout the years. On this blog, I will share with you things that touched me and helped me improve, hoping to touch you along the way.


Even though the advice given on this site is evidence based (I will give out references whenever I state a fact), none of it should be considered as medical advice. You should always check with a healthcare practitioner if you wish to make an important change. I am not a doctor, nor am I a nutritionist, dietician or a psychologist.

Meet my Crew



When I was a little girl, I kept dreaming that my plush toys would come to life when I wasn’t looking. Never would I have thought that this dream could come true until we adopted Picasso. He is the first cat we got, and most certainly the reason why we came to develop such an unconditional love for the little creatures. If you do not like cats, it’s only because you haven’t met him yet.

His Story
During the last week of my teaching practicum, 2 kittens had been abandoned underneath the school where I was teaching. One of them was so adorable that he purred continuously as about 30 students were all over him and taking him in their arms. I was in love.
The arts teacher at the school kept him in his class until someone would choose to adopt him and meanwhile, the little kitty explored and learned his new environment. Then, he got a little too comfortable and decided to roll over in green paint. It took us about a week to get rid of the neon green color stuck on one of his ears. Hence, his artistic name.



Commonly called Dextroy due to his love for the destruction of plants, we have come to the conclusion that Dexter is a cat-dog hybrid. He is definitely our most outgoing cat. You will always find him right in the middle of the action. We can make him do whatever we want; we even take him out on walks and teach him tricks… He also LOVES human food. This is why he is the one you will se the most often in my pictures. I rarely ever let him actually taste my food, but nothing keeps him from sniffing it out and smiling for the camera while he’s at it :).



Luna is our winter survivor. She was living in a cardboard box outside of one of my student’s house and her mother got hit by a car when she was about 4 months old. She has lived through a few months of very harsh winter conditions and as a result got many frostbites. She even lost part of her tail because of it (though you wouldn’t believe that by looking at her now). She probably was not getting enough food in the first few months of her life and is now forever the size of half a kitty. She is now in very good health and is our most affectionate cat. She only trusts Alex and I, which makes her all the more adorable in my eyes.