Smooth Guacamole

In a food processor, pulverize*

2 avocados

2 garlic cloves

1/3 - 1/2 cup cilantro with stems (to taste)

Juice 1 lime

1 hot pepper**

*I like to use the food processor end that came with my hand mixer. You can definitely make this recipe by crushing the avocado with a fork and by mincing the garlic, hot pepper and cilantro, but I prefer the smooth texture obtained so easily with a food processor.

**If you do not enjoy spicy food, carefully remove the hot pepper seeds before pulverizing them.

I have tested soo many guacamole recipes over the years, and I honestly believe that this is the one to rule them all. It reminds me of garlic butter, but it is even better since it’s perfectly balanced by the fresh the cilantro and the zesty lime. I think I would spread it on pretty much anything.


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