Morning Rounds

Morning Rounds

1- In a bowl, mix

2 tsp instant dry yeast

2 tbsp maple syrup

1 cup warm water

2- In another bowl, add

2 tsp baking powder

3 cups whole wheat flour

2 tbsp flaxseed

2 tbsp c. sesame seeds

1/4 cup roasted almonds, cut into pieces

1/4 cup raisins

3- Mix everything together until you form a ball.*

4- Take the ball of dough in your hand for awhile. Add 1 tbsp water inside the bowl and spread it around. Throw away any excess water. **

5- Add the dough back to the bowl and cover.

6- Let dough rest until it has doubled in size ( about 15-30 min).

7- Separate dough into 8 and shape morning rounds. If need be, add flour to your working surface so as to make sure the dough does not stick.

8- Heat up a pan to low-medium heat and bake the morning rounds (about 2 min on each side). Put the lid on the pan to keep moisture in while baking.

9- Enjoy right away or store for later. Can be frozen.

*Depending on the brand, whole wheat flour can vary quite a bit in texture and so you might need to add more water. The goal here is simply to make sure you don’t see bits of dry flour anywhere.

**Congrats! You just greased a bowl without oil. :)


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