Vanilla Iced Coffee

Vanilla Iced Coffee

In a standard-size cup, add

1 1/2 cup ice cubes

3/4 cup coffee*

1 - 2 tsp maple syrup, to taste

1/2 tsp vanilla extract

1/2 cup plant-based milk, frothed**

*I use filter coffee from a french press. The coffee you use could be hot or cold. Simply keep in mind that when using hot coffee, part of the ice will melt more quickly and dilute your drink a little. You could prevent this by preparing a stronger coffee to start with.

** I love frothing my milk, since it makes for a more creamy texture, though it is a completely optional step :). Both taste the same! If you don’t wish to froth your milk, add 1/4 cup instead of 1/2 to achieve a similar result.

This recipe is super quick (especially when using coffee leftovers from the day before 😉). It reminds me of Mc Donald’s iced coffees, to which I was sadly addicted for a part of my life. This iced coffee is refreshing and full of flavour. What better treat to begin a hot summer day? It is also the ideal beverage to bring on the road as it cannot really get any colder and it keeps you awake.

I wish you all the happiness in the world,



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