Perfect Banana Chocolate-Chip Muffins

Perfect Banana Chocolate-Chip Muffins

1- In a bowl, mash

7 bananas *

2- Add

1/2 cup applesauce

2 tsp vanilla extract**

3- In a bowl, mix

3 1/2 cups whole wheat flour

4 tsp baking powder

1 tsp baking soda

The batter will be quite thick. That’s ok :).

4- Mix well and add

1/4 cup unsweetened chocolate chips (or cocoa nibs).***

5- Distribute batter into paper lined muffin pan cups. This recipe makes for 24 muffins, or 10-12 large muffins.

6- Bake at 350 Fahrenheit for 30 minutes (if making 10-12 large muffins). If you choose to make 24 muffins, bake for 20-25 min instead, or until a toothpick comes out clean after sticking it into a muffin.

7- Let rest for 10 min on a cooling rack before eating.

*At first glance, it does seem like quite a lot of bananas for a single recipe, but when it comes to veganising something, bananas are so versatile.

Did you know you can substitute eggs, oil and sugar by bananas in a recipe?

These ingredients are so widely used in pastries and even though sometimes it is good to innovate, bananas are a safe and easy option in this case.

Plus! Not only are bananas versatile, but they are very forgiving! You simply cannot mess up this recipe :). Depending on the size of the bananas used, the texture of the muffins will vary a bit (smaller bananas= more dense, huge bananas= fluffier). I have tried both and each time, it is absolutely delicious.

I am pretty proud: These muffins are PERFECT. They develop the perfect crust, but as so moist and fluffy on the inside. They are just sweet enough and when using big bananas you will find that they caramelize at the bottom which is just insanely good. I’m telling you, they are irresistible… only your satiety signal can stop you from eating them.

Bonus: When making a 12 muffin batch, you almost get 1 fruit serving per portion hidden in there :).

**Little tip, if your bananas are not quite ripe enough, simply add another tsp. of vanilla extract to compensate for the alcohol/caramel taste that riper bananas would normally bring to such a recipe.

***I use mini chocolate chips. I find that they get distributed more evenly throughout the muffins than regular-sized ones. You can also omit them or replace them by chopped nuts :).

I wish you all the happiness in the world :).



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