Corn Tortillas

Corn Tortillas

1- Mix

1 cup Masa Harina

1 cup warm water

2- Knead. Adjust amount of water or Masa Harina if necessary. The dough should be neither sticky, nor dry.

3- Separate into 10 balls.

4- Press with a tortilla press* or a rolling pin until desired thickness.

5- Cook on high heat in a pan, for about 30 seconds on each side.

*I would recommend using parchment paper on each side of the press so as to avoid the dough sticking to them.

This recipe uses Masa Harina, which involves a special way of treating corn flour with lemon juice. It is very hard to make at home and corn flour will simply not give out good tortillas. Masa Harina is pretty easily found in any good grocery store or supermarket. These tortillas are often more authentic than store-bought ones and are great for homemade tacos or homemade tortilla chips.

Enjoy :)!


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