Guide to a Healthy Transition toward a Plant-Based Diet

Guide pour faciliter la transition vers le végétalisme

For those who might feel intimidated to learn more about nutrition or to read about my health choices, which might sometimes feel extreme for some, I would like to tell you that I didn’t make these changes overnight. To be completely honest, had I started with an « all or nothing mindset », I never would be where I am today. As many of you know, I used to be a junk food addict.

During my nutrition course at e-cornell, I came across a tool so useful, that I must admit, I felt a little jealous I didn’t get the chance to use it myself when first starting. I feel that this is something I should absolutely share with you guys :).  

It is called the Exsalus Food Continuum.

It has a complex name, but really it is quite easy to follow. It is just like when going to school. You don’t always aim for an A+, but you still wish to get a good average. The idea is to obtain a respectable overall score for whatever you choose to eat.

For example, if you eat something in the C category, but pair it with something in the A+ category in equal amounts, then you end up with an average of A- for said meal :).

This is something you can count at the end of each meal, or at the end of the day. 

Even though exclusively eating A+ foods brings more positive changes faster, long-term results should be prioritized.

If making big efforts all at once is something that can discourage you from trying out new habits or from sticking with them, I highly recommend this tool! I find it illustrates the expression: « slowly, but surely » very well.

Of course, the more you learn on a subject, the easier it gets to justify making the right choices. 

I wish you all the happiness in the world,


As usual, here is a little PDF summary of this article. You may share/download it if you’d like :)


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